Countdown to Convocation
All graduating students are encouraged to attend Countdown to Convocation at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. It's a one-stop shop on preparing to graduate. Free food.
Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
SPEAKER: Gailene Tobin, Department of Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: The Effect of IL-18 on the Activation of Natural Killer Cell Immunity and Its Relevance in Breast Cancer Progression.
The Magdalene Variations
Vagabond Productions is proud to present The Magdalene Variations, a new play created by Drs. Catherine Innes-Parker and Greg Doran. Through the various stories of Mary Magdalene, the play looks at the place of compassion and forgiveness in the modern world. The show runs March 16 to 19 at the Chaplaincy Centre. The doors open at 7, and the show will begin at 7:30 p.m.. Admission is by donation. For more information, you can contact Greg Doran at 566-6013 or
Brown Bag Lunch
Building Connections in the first-year experience
In this session June Countryman and Andrew Zinck will mediate a discussion exploring essential academic and personal issues that first-year students in all programs need to know. We are in the third year of running an "immersion" program with our first-year students to help them make a successful transition from high school to university. We will share what we are learning from that experience as a springboard to the discussion.
UPEI Journalism Students in Open Forum "End Times for the Traditional Press?
Is this the end for traditional media? This is the question that UPEI journalism students will be asking professional journalists on Wednesday, March 9 at 7 pm at the Atlantic Veterinary College, Lecture Theatre C. With a strong line up of journalists representing the media from different perspectives, including Paul McNeill from the Eastern Graphic, Wayne Thibodeau and Jocelyne Lloyd from the Guardian, Marcia Enman from La Voix Acadienne, and Andy Walker from the Canadian Association of Journalists, the forum is shaping up to be an event that Islanders will not want to miss.
UPEI journalism students Samantha MacKinnon and Ross Mair will frame the discussion, raising important questions about how the media has evolved over the last two decades, and what media will look like in the years to come.
“How we communicate the news, be it local, national, or global, has changed so dramatically in recent years. This event offers an opportunity to come to terms with the scope and scale of all this change,” said Richard Kurial, Dean of Arts at UPEI.
Sponsored by the UPEI Dean of Arts and the Canadian Association of Journalists – PEI Chapter, they have partnered to present this forum as a first in a series of discussions relating to the impact of technology on journalism and the media. Everyone is welcome to attend this inaugural event.
For additional information, please contact: Dr. Richard Kurial, Dean of Arts, University of Prince Edward Island, (902) 566-0310 /
Ross University Veterinary Medicine Program Presentation
The Representative from Ross University will be giving a presentation to all those interested in the veterinary medicine program.
Ross University has received full AVMA Accreditation. Their grads no longer have to sit for the ECFVG. Licensing requirements are now exactly the same as for UPEI graduates.
The presentation is open to everyone. It will be held on March 23 at 4:30-6pm in room 210 of the Kelley Memorial Building. Food will be served after.
Departments of Biomedical Sciences & Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
SPEAKER: Amber Marriott, Department of Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: The effects of chemical and environmental factors on the development of attentional processing in rats
Brown Bag Lunch
The Proof is in The Prof: Successful Teaching Practices Often Left Untapped by Professors.
Two second year Bachelor of Education students, Genna Phelan [Diploma in SLM. BA. (BEd, 2011)] and Emma Rockett [BA. (BEd, 2011)] will be holding a Brown Bag session in the Webster Centre boardroom on Friday, March 18th from 1-2:30. The session is designed to help professors improve their teaching practices. Issues such as how to reach all types of learners, using inclusive language in the classroom and student ownership to promote learning will be explored. The soon to be certified teachers will offer up tips on, and attempt to relieve concerns about, contemporary teaching methods.
Ross University Veterinary Medicine Program Presentation
The event has been moved to AVC room 286C N, by the commons.
Are you ready for the DVM admission interview?
Kylah Hennesey from the Career Services dept. on campus will be giving an information session on preparing for an interview. After the presentation, Pre-Vet students will have the opportunity (by appointment) to meet with a career counsellor 'one-on-one' for more specific coaching.
When: March 21, 12:30-1:20pm
Where: Kelley Memorial Building, Room 210