Campus Notices
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites new and prospective graduate students and faculty to an orientation session offered by Pedro Quijon, the current Graduate Coordinator. Senior undergraduate students in Science are encouraged to attend and participate as well. This event begins 12:35 pm Friday, September 7 in room 204 of the Duffy Science Centre.
For classical music aficionados, the UPEI Department of Music's Clarinet Specturm Series will present one of the seminal avant garde works of the 20th century—Olivier Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time—on Saturday, September 8, 2018 at 8:00 pm at the Dr. Steel Recital Hall. UPEI Clarinet Professor Karem J. Simon will collaborate with Jennifer King, piano; Karen Graves, violin; and, Natalie Williams Calhoun, cello in the presentation of this monumental masterpiece. The evening will proceed with a brief introduction followed by the performance of this fifty-minute piece in its entirety. Admission, at $20 adults and $10 students, may be acquired at the door.
It's September, which means it's time that all students register once again with Accessibility Services for the Fall 2018 semester. Remember that we do not carry over registrations from one semester to the next; therefore if you would like to continue to receive classroom accommodations, testing and exam accommodations, and supports from our area, you must register with us every semester.
If you are a returning student to Accessibility Services, all you need to do to re-register for your accommodations is complete this form found on your myUPEI homepage. If you need to review, change or discuss accommodations for the upcoming semester, you can request a meeting through this form, or by calling 902-566-0488, or emailing to make an appointment with a member of our team.
If you have never registered with Accessibility Services before and would like to, please call 902-566-0488, or email to make an appointment with a member of our team. Be advised that medical documentation is required to register with Accessibility Services.
Please complete any of the following forms if they apply:
Request a note taker:
Request alternate forms for textbooks (pdf/audio):
Registration for the "Reigniting Curiosity and Inquiry in Higher Education: A Working Conference" being held at UPEI November 2-4th, 2018 is now open! Spots are limited!
Are you interested in reigniting your students’ desire and ability to inquire“? Are you interested in being part of a group of SoTL researchers actively investigating Issues of curiosity and inquiry in the university classroom? This working conference will bring together teaching professors/researchers from across North America to discuss effective ways to increase and maintain student inquiry in our higher education classrooms and explore how to help our students to transfer those attitudes and skills to other academic learning experiences, the workplace, and beyond. During the three day working conference, attendees will have the opportunity to share their own experiences and learn from those of others, participate in the creation of professor and student curiosity and inquiry materials, and form research interest groups which will begin actively collaborating on curiosity and inquiry research questions particular to higher education.
Please register here.
Cost of registration for this conference is only $75 for professors/researchers and $25 for graduate students. Thanks to our sponsers (SSHRC, UPEI and the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary) this includes morning/afternoon snacks and lunch on all three days of the conference.
The annual Volunteer Fair will take place on Wednesday, September 12th, from 10:00 am-2:00 pm in McMillan Hall, in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre.
All students are welcome. If you are a student, stop by the fair to find out about volunteer opportunities in our community! If you are staff or faculty, encourage your students to come by the fair and get involved!
For more information and a list of organizations who will be at the fair, please visit
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites new and prospective graduate students and faculty to an orientation session offered by Pedro Quijon, the current Graduate Coordinator. Senior undergraduate students in Science are encouraged to attend and participate as well. This event begins 12:35 pm Friday, September 7 in room 204 of the Duffy Science Centre.
UPEI is excited to announce a new graduation process that will provide eligible graduates with the option to apply to graduate and have their credential(s) awarded at the end of the semester in which their program requirements have been fulfilled. Convocation will remain an annual celebration each May and will continue to encompass the successful achievements of all graduates within the previous year. Further details are available by logging in to your myUPEI and can be found in the ‘Announcements’ (
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the UPEI community to the presentation and defense of Ebtehal El-Ghezlani's PhD thesis, entitled "Design of biologically active macromolecules based on Ferrocene and Arene complexes”. The event begins at 12:30 pm in room 212 of the Regis and Joan Duffy Research Centre.
Everyone is welcome.
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites new and prospective graduate students and faculty to an orientation session offered by Pedro Quijon, the current Graduate Coordinator. Senior undergraduate students in Science are encouraged to attend and participate as well. This event begins 12:35 pm Friday, September 7 in room 204 of the Duffy Science Centre.
New and returning students, come and take a tour of your Library!
Learn how to use the library website, how to contact your subject librarian for research help, and where to go for writing and IT help.
Discover the best places to study in the Library, learn how to book group study rooms, find out about library computers, printers, laptops, 3D printing, Wi-Fi, and much more! Not only will you learn about your Library's services and resources by attending a Library Orientation Tour, your name will be entered in a draw to win a $100 or a $50 gift card to the UPEI Bookstore!
Tours start on Wednesday, September 5 and are available throughout the month. Tours leave from the Service Desk, last 30-40 minutes, and are limited to 6 people per tour, so be sure to book early!
Let us help you with your academic journey! We have resources and information for all students! And, we'd love to show you around!
Book your tour at
On September 6, be sure to join Carly at the AVC Cafe as she serves up her delicious meal starting at 11:30 am as part of her dietetic internship with Chartwells UPEI! Check out the menu Carly created at the AVC Cafe, on Facebook, or Twitter, and also on our website at
Today, Tuesday, September 4th, is Let's Talk Teaching Day 2018! Please join us from 1:00-5:00 pm in HSB 104. Join in on discussions about indigenizing the curriculum and decolonizing the academy; our new Academic Integrity Portal; and what's happening with Experiential Education at UPEI. Refreshments will be served, and all are welcome. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, write to Gerald at the Faculty Development Office:
On September 6, be sure to join Carly at the AVC Cafe as she serves up her delicious meal starting at 11:30 am as part of her dietetic internship with Chartwells UPEI! Check out the menu Carly created at the AVC Cafe, on Facebook or Twitter, and also on our website at
Please plan to attend this year's Let's Talk Teaching Day, which will be held from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 4 in HSB 104. Join in on discussions about indigenizing the curriculum and decolonizing the academy; our new Academic Integrity Portal; and what's happening with Experiential Education at UPEI. Refreshments will be served, and all are welcome. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, write to Gerald at the Faculty Development Office:
On Thursday, NSO leaders will be collecting change as an activity for our upcoming fundraising event Panthers For Change. Please be aware of this and have change ready.
The Office of the Vice-President Administration and Finance wishes to inform the University community that the Board of Governors has approved a new Conflict of Interest Policy. The purpose of this policy is to define conflicts of interest at the University and establish procedures to effectively address and manage them.
All members of the university community, including faculty and staff, have an obligation to declare any conflicts of interest in accordance with the policy. Please keep in mind that a conflict of interest can be actual, perceived, or foreseeable; when in doubt, seek guidance from your conflict officer as outlined in the policy.
The policy can be found here: It is important that all members of the university community review the policy carefully and become familiar with the standards and requirements it contains.
The Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture program will host a Bruce Rainnie public speaking workshop on Saturday, 8 September 2018 from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. The aim of this workshop is to provide a small group of UPEI employees with an opportunity to improve their public speaking skills. Priority will be given to participants who are interested in improving their ability to communicate effectively through the press, but all interested participants are welcome to apply.
Bruce Rainnie brings a wealth of public communications experience with him to his position as the Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture Program’s Practitioner in Residence. He is currently the President and CEO of the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame in Halifax. Prior to this position, he was the host of CBC News: Compass, the supper-hour news program for Prince Edward Island. In that role, he helped Compass become the country’s number one rated CBC supper-hour news broadcast. Bruce is known nationally for his work with CBC Sports. Along with being a regular host on Hockey Night in Canada, he broadcast eight Olympic games–including the most recent games in South Korea.
Bruce Rainnie is an engaging speaker and an insightful mentor. His leadership in this program will ensure that participants will come away from the workshop with boosted confidence in their own communication abilities.
Please note, space is limite for this workshop. For more information, or to sign up for this free program, please contact Lisa Chilton at
UPEI will hold a test of the campus-wide emergency notification system on Wednesday, August 29 at 2:00 pm for approximately 15 minutes. During this time, most campus screens and UPEI website pages will show a banner stating this is only a test of the emergency system.
In the event of a real emergency, the banner will display important information for students, staff, and faculty.
On Thursday morning, all the NSO leaders will be collecting change as an activity for our upcoming fundraising event Panthers For Change. Please be aware of this and have change ready.